add_action('frm_after_update_entry', 'update_used_passes', 10, 2);
function update_used_passes($entry_id, $form_id){
if ( $form_id == 35 ) {
$userid = $_POST['item_meta'][867];// 867 is the ID of the userID field
$used_passes = $_POST['item_meta'][875];// 875 is the ID of the used passes field
$pass_status = $_POST['item_meta'][970];// 970 is the ID of the pass status field
if ( $userid && $pass_status=="Approved") {
// Get the current value.
$count = (int) get_field('passes_used', $userid);
// Increase it.
update_field('passes_used', $count, $userid);
it doesn't work
Turn on WordPress debugging and use error_log to output information to tell you where it's going wrong. First verify that the function is being called and then output values along the way to see what's happening.
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