Moving wordpress and private file upload acccess

By: Julie Poupart | Asked: 10/30/2024
ForumsCategory: General questionsMoving wordpress and private file upload acccess
Julie Poupart asked 3 months ago

I used formidable forms to protect files - to be accessible only for logged in users. I moved my install to the root (from a subdirectory) and now all the protected links don't work anymore. i tried editing the form entries to re-save, but the files are not present in the form anymore. Is there a way to recover the entries and associated files without having to re-upload them all.
This is the type of link that does not work anymore
this worked fine when it was
Thank you in advance for any insight or advice

2 Answers
Victor Font Staff answered 3 months ago

How did you move the install? Did you update all internal links in the database?

Julie Poupart answered 3 months ago

This issue is resolved. The host cache was causing the issue and once i cleared that, all private links started working again. Just writing this in case it helps someone else in the same situation. I had not initially thought of this.
Yes, i had updated all the internal links using better search and replace, and everything else was working fine, which is why i was mystified earlier.

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