Precautions - Using Calculators in Website & before sending for Google AdSense Approval

By: Uttam N | Asked: 02/05/2024
ForumsCategory: General questionsPrecautions - Using Calculators in Website & before sending for Google AdSense Approval
Uttam N asked 1 year ago

Hi Team, I am having below queries of my Blog website (Publicly accessible) before sending website for Google AdSense Approval.
1. I had Embedded Formidable Calculators in website Posts.
2. For all Calculators, I had disabled/hide Submit Button and also Disabled entries.
3.  Are there any more precautions I had to take w.r.t GDPR/Data/ Or any other Violations for using Calculators. Any more suggestions appreciated. Thanks,

Uttam N replied 12 months ago

Hi Formidable Team, Can anyone look in my queries

Victor Font Staff replied 12 months ago

<p>This a community volunteer forum. We're all end users just like you. If you want to have a discussion with the Formidable Support team, you have to open a ticket with Strategy 11.</p>

1 Answers
Victor Font Staff answered 12 months ago

I don't understand your question. What business process are you trying to achieve. GDPR only applies to PII. If you're not capturing PII in your calculator, GDPR doesn't apply. You should disable capturing IP addresses though.

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