Increment number with year

By: Yannick Dorp | Asked: 01/23/2025
ForumsCategory: How-toIncrement number with year
Yannick Dorp asked 3 weeks ago

Good day all,
I want to use short code[auto_id start=1] but with attached actual year, ie entry 6/2025, any idea how to add the actual year ?
Thank you very much

2 Answers
Best Answer
Yannick Dorp answered 3 weeks ago

Thank you very much Rob, I’ll do that.

Rob LeVineRob LeVine Staff answered 3 weeks ago

Looking at the "smart default value + auto increment" example on the How to Autoincrement page, you can append whatever you want. If you want the year, you can make your own one-line custom shortcode that returns the value of date("Y") in php.

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