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We recently updated our PDF add-on to allow the use of Views to format and style your generated PDF files. This super cool feature leverages the simplicity of views to make it easy to customize your PDFs. If you haven't already, We'd love for you to check it out and tell us what you think.

Use the survey below to share your feedback on the PDF add-on.

PDF 2.0 Survey
Have you used the PDF add-on?
Have you used the new PDF 2.0 functionality?
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We are working on making our styler tool faster, easier, and more integrated with the form building process. To make sure we get it right, we'd love feedback about our existing form styler.

Please complete this short survey so we can make the form styler awesome!

Styler Survey
How often do you use the Formidable Styler?
Why don't you use the Formidable styler more often?
How do you use the form styler in your workflow?
Mark all statements that you agree with
Which form elements do you modify most frequently
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