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Community Forums

Formidable support form won't send
OpenSumner asked 4 hours ago • 
1 views0 answers0 votes
LF Suggestion for Email Campaigns
OpenAngie Raymond asked 4 weeks ago • 
221 views0 answers0 votes
Slow Form Builder
OpenBobby Clapp commented 4 weeks ago • 
900 views0 answers0 votes
is there a way roll back to a previous version of a form
OpenRalf Longwitz commented 1 month ago • 
592 views0 answers1 votes
How can I modify the icon for the file upload field?
OpenPaul Konkel commented 2 months ago • 
390 views0 answers0 votes
Per datapoint tooltip using frm-graph
OpenJason LoftusJason Loftus asked 4 months ago • 
190 views0 answers0 votes
Confirmation action not works always default loaded
OpenBobby Clapp commented 4 months ago • 
230 views0 answers0 votes
payment formula in excel
OpenAlessio Lucini asked 4 months ago • 
163 views0 answers0 votes
CSS not 100% work for responsive mode on Detail-Page
OpenVictor Font commented 4 months ago • 
257 views0 answers0 votes
Display WooCommerce Radio/Checkbox Images
OpenBill Buoni commented 5 months ago • 
566 views0 answers0 votes
Easily Create PHP Variables for Every Form Field
OpenVictor Font asked 5 months ago • 
239 views0 answers0 votes
OpenRobert Cabiya-an asked 6 months ago • 
267 views0 answers0 votes
Edit Tables - Edit In Place
OpenRobert Cabiya-an asked 6 months ago • 
244 views0 answers0 votes
Formidable View - Grid Styling
OpenRonald ScottRonald Scott asked 6 months ago • 
234 views0 answers0 votes
Issue deleting checkbox "other" option
OpenChristine Heine commented 6 months ago • 
276 views0 answers0 votes
How to pass Enrty ID in redirect url?
OpenEgor Yasinetsky asked 6 months ago • 
255 views0 answers0 votes
Detail page coming up as page not found
OpenJohn-Paul Helk asked 6 months ago • 
299 views0 answers0 votes

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