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Community Forums

Payment is successful but generates error message
ResolvedBret TreasureBret Treasure commented 2 weeks ago • 
78 views0 answers0 votes
Deleted entries re-appears
AnsweredBobby Clapp commented 3 weeks ago • 
268 views0 answers0 votes
LF Suggestion for Email Campaigns
OpenAngie Raymond asked 3 weeks ago • 
220 views0 answers0 votes
Slow Form Builder
OpenBobby Clapp commented 4 weeks ago • 
897 views0 answers0 votes
ClosedPraveen Kumar asked 1 month ago • 
131 views0 answers0 votes
Create a new field type
ClosedPeter S asked 1 month ago • 
70 views0 answers0 votes
is there a way roll back to a previous version of a form
OpenRalf Longwitz commented 1 month ago • 
590 views0 answers1 votes
How can I modify the icon for the file upload field?
OpenPaul Konkel commented 2 months ago • 
389 views0 answers0 votes
How to add serial number in the Invoice / estimation PDF
ClosedBobby Clapp commented 2 months ago • 
878 views0 answers0 votes
Filter Unique Entries in a view
ClosedBobby Clapp commented 2 months ago • 
92 views0 answers0 votes
Use the default theme form style
ClosedBill WBill W asked 2 months ago • 
477 views0 answers0 votes
Login takes me to wp dashboard
ClosedAndre Larmet asked 2 months ago • 
285 views0 answers0 votes
add options in Lookup field after filtering
ClosedAndreas panagiotopoulos commented 2 months ago • 
575 views0 answers0 votes
Library version of Formidable PDFs is old
ClosedJack C asked 2 months ago • 
424 views0 answers0 votes
How to prevent a field's value being saved?
ClosedDick Wynne asked 2 months ago • 
98 views0 answers0 votes
Generate 'Outcomes' graph on results page
ClosedIvor Moolman asked 2 months ago • 
288 views0 answers0 votes
delete this please
ClosedTim Hennings commented 2 months ago • 
1471 views0 answers0 votes
Hide the next button in conversational form mode
ClosedBobby Clapp commented 2 months ago • 
118 views0 answers0 votes

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