Please repost your question.
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Hi,Thanks, I'm reposting the question - it disappeared!I'm using the Formidable Geolocation add-on to collect addresses and generate a map of locations. That's all working perfectly. In addition I'm saving the lat and lon as separate fields.Now, within an individual entry detail view, I would like to display a limited list of up to 10 other entries nearby, sorted by distance.I tried setting it up with Custom Posts, but I then have a different problem, which the Formidable View already solves - showing entries from a different form linked from a dynamic field (actually double-nested).
I can see that FacetWP has a proximity filter facet which works well with the CPTs.Is there a way to get the lat and lon already present in my Formidable View passed to a Facet which I can include in the View?I considered a half-way house, using the Custom Post just to hold title, image, and lat and lon which I can then use for the proximity filter and searches, but show a Formidable detail view passing the entry ID over from the custom post.I read the guide to using a custom post page template to show the Formidable entry in a template, but because I'm using a block theme and the Full Site Editor, I can't use a PHP template, so that was a stumbling block.I understand that may be more of a question for FacetWP, but I wondered if anyone had tackled something similar before? And whether I'm better off using a Formidable View and wrangling the lat and lon into a Facet, or going the Custom Post route and tackling the dynamic related content another way?I would say, as you may be able to tell, I'm confident adding snippets of code, but not anything too advanced!Thanks, Alun
There's been a problem with this forum recently where posts are disappearing and entry dates are being recorded as 55-years ago. I think your post got stuck in this time loop.
Until Strategy 11 can fix this forum, please feel free to join the Formidable Masterminds Group on Facebook if you're not already a member. You can join here:
As for not being able to use a PHP template with the FSE theme, you certainly can. I do it all thew time. Just because you are using a FSE theme, it doesn't mean the WordPress template hierarchy doesn't work any longer. It's quite easy to use blocks in PHP templates.
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