Data population issues

By: Jimmy Paul | Asked: 03/17/2025
ForumsCategory: General questionsData population issues
Jimmy Paul asked 19 hours ago

I'm not sure if the issue is with me or the plugin, but whenever I try to achieve something, I get stuck.

I was using dynamic fields but got stuck because I couldn't populate data from the same form into another dynamic dropdown. Then, I switched to lookup fields and got stuck again when I couldn't populate data from two different forms.

2 Answers
Victor Font Staff answered 18 hours ago

Getting stuck is usually due to a design issue. Without a deeper dive into your process, I'd only be guessing at ways to help. FWIW, I've never encountered a technical issue with Formidable that couldn't be solved.

Jimmy Paul answered 17 hours ago

Here’s an overview of my setup:

Form Structure:

1. Country Form (Form 1)

Text field: Country

2. Institute Form (Form 2)

Drop-down: Country (from Form 1)
Text field: Institute Name

3. Class Form (Form 3)

Drop-down: Country (from Form 1)
Drop-down: Institute (from Form 2)
Text field: Class Name
Radio button: Class Level
Date field: Class Start Date
Date field: Class End Date

4. Student Form (Form 4)

Drop-down: Country (from Form 1)
Drop-down: Institute (from Form 2)
Drop-down: Class Name (from Form 3)
Drop-down: Class Level Options (from Form 3)
Drop-down: Class Start Date (from Form 3)
Text field: Student Name

Neither lookup fields nor dynamic drop-downs are successfully populating data across these forms.

Victor Font Staff replied 17 hours ago

Your design problem is either in Form 3 or 4. On form 4 you have class level options as a drop down. This implies that class name in form 3 has more that one entry for the same class. Is that correct?

Jimmy Paul replied 16 hours ago


Name: English
Level: Beginner
Level: Intermediate
Level: Advanced

Name: French
Level: Beginner
Level: Intermediate
Level: Advanced

Victor Font Staff replied 13 hours ago

You won't be able to do this the way the form 3 is designed without custom code because there is a many-to-one relationship between level and class. You can either redesign form 3 to support a many to one relationship or use custom code to populate the related drop-down using Ajax. Either way, you're looking at a project.

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