API external endpoints

By: Nick Brittan | Asked: 05/14/2024
ForumsCategory: Code HelpAPI external endpoints
Nick Brittan asked 10 months ago


I am attempting (badly) to call in data from an external API that holds vehicle data. This is the DVLA API and I am specifically looking to get the responses from VES.

Here are the docs - https://developer-portal.driver-vehicle-licensing.api.gov.uk/apis/vehicle-enquiry-service/vehicle-enquiry-service-description.html#vehicle-enquiry-service-ves-api-guide

I have registered and have an Authentication Token "key"

This endpoint takes the "registrationNumber" and returns the responses.

I have contacted support but they seem reluctant to give any API assistance so that avenue is a deadend.

I have a form will fields for every available response and wish to submit the "registrationNumber" and then populate the relevant field with the relevant response data.

I am hitting a dead-end.

I have this hook in WP Code. The obvious have been double checked, e.g. form ID, etc!

add_filter( 'frm_api_form_action', 'add_custom_header_to_api_request', 10, 2 );
function add_custom_header_to_api_request( $action, $form ) {
// Check if the form is the one you want to modify
if ( $form->id === 23 ) {
// Modify the action to include the custom header
$action['headers']['x-api-key'] = 'MYSECRETKEY';
return $action;

Within my my form I have a "Send API data" action with the endpoint in the "Notification URL"

The "Basic Auth" value is blank as the authentication cannot be used here, as far as I can figure out anyway.

I realise that this is going to require some custom code, but cannot find a definitive path and direction to investigate or follow.

Any and all pointers and assistance welcome and greatly appreciated.

P.S. I am no programmer so bear with me here.

Thanks in advance.


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2 Answers
Victor Font Staff answered 10 months ago

Nick, I already responded to your private emails. I'm disappointed that you posted this here when I already started working with you on this problem.

Nick Brittan replied 10 months ago

Apologies Victor it wasn't intended. I have just seen your reply and responding now. This post was done before checking my email.

Nick Brittan answered 10 months ago

I would like to give a shout-out to Formidable Support. Once again, they have assisted me in finding what I knew was evading my search. It's really quite simple to change the API headers and write the API response back to a form. This is in an early scoping stage, so it is not a final solution, but if anyone needs a starting point, I am happy to share.

-_- It turns out I am not all over the place and seem to lack focus after all.

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