Is there any way to setup dynamic repeatable sections based on entries from another form?
I'm looking to create a form with survey questions for voting and entries are scored at the end. This part seems straight forward. Their would also be a hidden field that admins can fill in afterwards to rank the entry as "Yes / No / Maybe".
Now I need to rank the entries to get the top 20 scores where the admin has ranked the entry as 'Good'. Each entry has a name field.
I want to setup a second form where it dynamically pulls in the name of each of the top 20 entries and creates a dynamic repeatable section for each one with 3 questions for example. All questions are the same.
Dynamic Name #1:
-- Q1
-- Q2
-- Q3
Dynamic Name #2:
-- Q1
-- Q2
-- Q3
Dynamic Name #3:
-- Q1
-- Q2
-- Q3
.. etc
Does anyone know if this is possible to use entries dynamically this way?
Be careful when you mention Dynamic fields with Formidable. Dynamic fields are used with lookup tables and store the entry id of the lu record in your dynamic field on the form. It sounds like you want to populate a dropdown dynamically with data supplied ffrom another form. You can do this with your own custom SQL. Here's how:
As for your second question, yes you can do that to with custom code.
Thank you Victor, I'll look to see if there are any tips in the forum on my second question.
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For form #2 that I need with the top 20 entries.
Is it possible to have a hidden dropdown field with the 20 Name options then have a templated section of:
{name} -- Q1
-- Q2
-- Q3
and have that repeat dynamically for each option in that dropdown?