hello I'm a newbie with formidable forms, I'm having problems with displaying email data from the forms I've set up. we manufacture windows and doors and I've created two forms to quote and order products. I think I have followed this tutorial
https://formidableforms.com/knowledgebase/repeatable-section/#kb-repeat-layout and used this code
[foreach 100] [101]: [102], [103] [/foreach]
to display my repeater data, but I get all my products bundled together like this.
Name: Last: Company: Phone: Email: PO: 34465 Color: White Frame: Retro Fit 1.75
3, 5, 1 Sliding Window (Horizontal), Trapezoid Window, Single Hung Window XO, TRA, SH LoE-366/Clear, LoE-366/Delta Frost, LoE-366/Clear Tempered, Tempered, Tempered Yes, No, Yes Colonial, None, Perimeter
this is my current code, can anyone let me know what I'm doing wrong?
Name: [73] Last [74] Company: [75] Phone: [76] Email: [77] PO: [78] Color: [79] Frame: [80]
[foreach 81] [82]: [83], [84], [85], [86], [87], [88], [89], [90] [/foreach] [92]
I would like my email to display the data like this if possible, with each product entry displaying the options for each ordered product.
Name: Last: Company: Phone: Email: PO: 34465 Color: White Frame: Retro Fit 1.75
Qty Product Operation Glass Glass Opt Grids Grid Opt
3 Sliding Window XO E-366/Clear Tempered Yes Colonial
5 Trapezoid Window TRA LoE-366/Delta Frost Annealed No None
1 Single Hung Window SH LoE-366/Clear Tempered Yes Perimeter
You haven't included any HTML to format the displayed content. See this: https://formidableforms.com/knowledgebase/repeatable-section/#kb-display-data-in-a-table
How can we do that -> displaying repeater field values in a really TABLE on the last page of a form (like a summary) ???
The original question specifies email data, not the last page of a form like a summary. The Formidable Knowledgebase has the answer to your question, though: https://formidableforms.com/knowledgebase/repeatable-section/#kb-review-before-submit
Thanks, we opened a new question for our problem
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