Can you have multiple field_id's with frm-entry-update-field?

By: Jason Ryan | Asked: 08/30/2023
ForumsCategory: General questionsCan you have multiple field_id's with frm-entry-update-field?
Jason Ryan asked 2 years ago

I am trying to create a field within my entries that is updatable . . .  a "status" for a Job Works schedule Job Number (given unique reference) - status (Not Completed/Partially Completed/Completed) It occurred to me that I could try :

[frm-entry-update-field id=X field_id=(the job Nunmber) field_id=(the job status) value="[Completed]"]

Can you have multiple field id's ? or is there any code that can do the same based on conditions?

Julius hernándezJulius hernández replied 2 years ago

<p>I was trying exactly the same and even I developed another shortcode called [frm-entry-update-two-fields] based on the original shortcode, but I couldn't make it work.</p><p>The problem is that the frm-entry-update-field shortcode internally uses a JS function which I cannot access from my shortcode, so I can't use it. I guess that you need to update two (or more) fields at the click of a link, something that I'm also trying to accomplish. Let's see what experts can say to us in this matter.</p><p>Look for my last posts about it in Code Help, my first post is "Formidable API" good or bad use?".</p><p> </p>

Julius hernándezJulius hernández replied 2 years ago

It's frustrating, every time I want to edit to add something to my comment, unwanted tags appear.

Julius hernándezJulius hernández replied 2 years ago

My two posts about this matter are: "Formidable API, good or bad use?" and "Tried To Create Shortcode To Update Multiple Fields. I Failed.", both in Code Help section.

1 Answers
Victor Font Staff answered 2 years ago

All fields in an entry are update-able. What exactly are you trying to do and why are you using that shortcode?

Julius hernándezJulius hernández replied 2 years ago

Victor, I was trying to accomplish exactly the same in my other question. But I cannot access some JS functions from my shortcode, specifically the frmUpdateField function, which I can't find anywhere in the Formidable files.
I think we're trying to do the same, to update a field at the click of just one link.

Jon Morgan replied 1 year ago

<p>The frmUpdateField function is located in /wp-content/plugins/formidable/js/formidable.js. What you are asking for can be done by copying the above javascript routine and Add the additional variables to the function call, and then duplicate (or triplicate) the jQuery.ajax post code to handle the additional form entry you need to update. It turns into something that looks like this in the Developer window in your browser: onclick="frmUpdateFieldDbl([id],field_id1,'value1',field_id2,'value2',field_id3','value3','Your message'); return false;"</p>

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