Front-end Inline Edit - Trigger Email (frm-entry-update-field)

By: Chris Titus | Asked: 12/23/2024
ForumsCategory: General questionsFront-end Inline Edit - Trigger Email (frm-entry-update-field)
Chris Titus asked 3 months ago

Is it possible to trigger an email after updating a form using inline front-end editing to update a field?

Here's the shortcode I'm using

[frm-entry-update-field id=[id] field_id=91 label="send email" value="email"]

When field 91 is updated to 'email', I want an email to be generated.

Mark HansenMark Hansen replied 3 months ago

<p>You can place a conditional on the Email Action in the settings area based on the update. (The same way you add conditionals to form fields) Trigger action = Form Updated Add Conditional Logic (At the bottom of the email send section) based on your criteria.</p><p>ETA: I didn't read closely enough to see you are using a shortcode - I'm not 100% sure this would work that way.</p>

Chris Titus replied 3 months ago

Thanks for your response Mark. It works if using front-end editing code that loads the form and requires clicking the 'update' button, but it isn't triggering when it's an inline link that updates a single field w/o any update click.

Mark HansenMark Hansen replied 3 months ago

I figured that as soon as I saw it after reading a second time. I just browsed the FMPro docs and they have a way to trigger a confirmation when this occurs using an inline form.

While not as convenient, you could leave the checkbox out of play for this, and simply show the user a Confirmation Message or redirect Thank you page, where you can embed a second form and pull their email address and whatever other information you need into the fields, with a message saying "Send me a copy of this update", or something like that.

1 Answers
Rob LeVineRob LeVine Staff answered 3 months ago
Chris Titus replied 3 months ago

My hero! Thank you Rob! I was on that page and clearly missed it. You saved me big time! Thanks

Chris Titus replied 3 months ago

Unfortunately, it's not working

Chris Titus replied 3 months ago

Okay, I figured out why. I'm using Genesis Extender for modifying functions.php. There's an option to apply changes in this file to the Admin section. This was unchecked. Once I checked it, the script worked fine. Thanks again!

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