Would it be possible to apply a detail-link or an edit-link across an entire row?
As of now my link for each entry is constrained to the text on the far right side as either "Edit" or "Update". Ideally it would be best if clicking anywhere along the row would act as an edit or detail link, especially when viewed on mobile devices.
See image below for the grid design. Thanks!
I've done this before. What you need to do is figure out the direct link to the edit page, which you can do by using your view to go to the edit page, copying that URL and wrapping your view's contents in that anchor.
e.g., If your edit page is: https://mysite.com/referral/?frm_action=edit&entry=62466 then you'd wrap each field shortocde with <a href='https://mysite.com/referral/?frm_action=edit&entry=[id]'>[99]</a> where 99 is your field id.
That's a good lead in. I'm doing something like that now. I had to create an outer div and using some positioning elements to make it wrap the whole row correctly. Give Rob's example a shot though. At it's very base, it works like he indicates.
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