We're having problems between two forms and a view with email addresses that have a + plus sign in the address. Has anyone had any issues with email fields with a + sign?
I'll do my best.
Several forms.
First form is the registration form. They enter their email with a plus sign, e.g. george+yoyo@gmail.com
On a second form, we pull that email field with a default value. On that form, its fine.
Then it gets wonky. We pull that entry into a form and the address appears but without the + sign. Note that on the back end, the + sign appears everywhere, it's just on the front end view.
I'm sure this explanation is way too convoluted; sorry!!
In the "default value" on the final form where you pull it in and it's removing the + sign, have you changed the default behavior to "text" versus "math" value? If it's calculated, it's going to try and add something.
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