For some reason I can't get this to work
This the shortcode for adding an edit link to a repeater view.
[ frm-entry-edit-link id="[parent_id]" label="Edit" page_id=y]
I have front-end edit turned on for admin (which is me). My view is public.
For some reason it displays the entire shortcode. My filter content is setup as Run Formidable Shortcodes only.
I'm baffled.
This is what mine looks like
[frm-entry-edit-link id="[34]" label="Edit" page_id=4958]
Parent form is 34
The form is on page 4958
The brackets you have surrounding the value 34 would indicate a field ID. If the entry ID is indeed 34, then no brackets.
turns out [parent_id] is supposed to stay in the shortcode. only the y should be edited. wow lol.
but you led me to that answer calling out the entry ID. Thank you!!
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