ACF same post id

By: Wilson xxx | Asked: 07/25/2023
ForumsCategory: How-toACF same post id
Wilson xxx asked 2 years ago

Hi there!
I'm using ACF and Formidable to allow users to enter their CVs, the form works fine, the problem is that every time the user updates the CV, a new entry is made in the CV custom post type, how can I add a logic to update the CV instead of creating a new one?

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1 Answers
Best Answer
Victor Font Staff answered 2 years ago

Something's not setup correctly. CPTs shouldn't duplicate when edited. Please confirm everything is setup as per these articles; and If everything is correct, are there any errors in the browser console or PHP error logs? If nott of these checks produce results, please open a ticket with Strategy 11. It's beyond our capability to troubleshoot this issue further as community volunteers.

Wilson xxx replied 2 years ago

"Limit number of entries to one per" made the trick, thanks for you help Victor

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