embed forms

By: lauren scott | Asked: 06/01/2023
ForumsCategory: How-toembed forms
lauren scott asked 2 years ago

is it possible to pass a value to an embed form.  I have a hidden field I use to receive values passed to it, however when the form is embedded into another form the pass value doesn't work.  is there a method to pass a value to a form when it is embedded into another form.  thanks

Rob LeVineRob LeVine Staff replied 2 years ago

It depends on what you mean. You can always pass things via the URL and use [get param="..."]. Please be more specific as to what you're trying to do.

lauren scott replied 2 years ago

<p>yes of course. I have a hidden field in the form and I use the [get param] function to receive a passed value in the URL, however I wanted to use the same form in another form and embedded it, however the get param no longer works. is there a way to pass the value to the embedded form is what I am trying to do.  Also, I should say that the value I am trying to get is in the first form.   For example, I have form A, and I have now embedded form B, I want a hidden field in Form B to receive the ID of  Form A, not the parent ID.  does that make sence.</p>

Rob LeVineRob LeVine Staff replied 2 years ago

I just ran a test with a test the following test and it worked as expected. I created a form (A) with a text field and set its default value to [get param="def_val"] I then created a form (B) with another text field and set its default value to the same thing. I then embedded B within A, put A on a page and added "def_val=xyz" to the URL for the page and both fields showed xyz.

lauren scott replied 2 years ago

awesome, that helps. thank you .

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