If the view and search are on different pages, the no entries message can only be on the view page, not the search page. What you can do on the search page is display an HTML block with a message of your choosing and hide it with CSS after a search is performed. Normally, you place the search and view on the same page and when a user clicks submit on a search, redirect back to the same page with the parameters you are using to filter your view.
<p>Very sorry for the confusion.......i mean to say "How to ADD a placeholder" to via shortcode.</p><p>[frm-condition source=param param="show_view" equals="yes"] [display-frm-data id="X" filter="1" ][/frm-condition]..this displays the content (or the result) after the search is performed.</p><p>but before the search is done i want to show something else( a text ) to the user or the visitor ,who visits my site.</p><p>what can i add in this that works as a placeholder text.</p><p>:)</p>
(the no entries message can only be on the view page, not the search page.)......yes sir i want to display it on the view page
All you have to do is set a default value that will never be true for a get param in the view filter. See Step 6 under this instruction: https://formidableforms.com/knowledgebase/create-a-view/#kb-show-entry-after-form-submission
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What do mean by "set as a placeholder"?
<p>My search form is on the other page and view is on the other page(my view is on the homepage)..I have displayed the view using a shortcode..when a user or customer come on the homepage of my site.i want to show them a message or label on my view...which I want to get replaced by the search term (when someone searches the search form)... please help me🙂</p>
I want to display it before search is performed