Restrict DatePicker to specified dates for timesheet period ending date

By: Eric scoles | Asked: 08/16/2024
ForumsCategory: How-toRestrict DatePicker to specified dates for timesheet period ending date
Eric scoles asked 7 months ago

This is for the period ending date on a payroll time entry form. I need to restrict the user to only specific biweekly end dates.  I thought I'd found a way to do this by adding exceptions, but now I can't make that work. I can only enter exceptions if the day of the week is disabled; however, if I disable all days of the week, the field automatically resets to allow all days of the week and wipes out all the exceptions I just entered. 

  • Was I on the right track, but missing something about how to do it?
  • Is there another way to accomplish this? (I've asked a related question before but got no response, as though this isn't something that anyone else has ever needed to do.)
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Eric scoles replied 7 months ago


1 Answers
Eric scoles answered 7 months ago

ANSWER: I had this backward - what I needed to do is to ALLOW entries for the day of the week the period ends, and then put in BLACKOUT dates. 

Victor Font Staff replied 7 months ago

Did you review the documentation?

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