Show Photos (Not Links) In Views

By: Pat Gallagher | Asked: 11/01/2022
ForumsCategory: How-toShow Photos (Not Links) In Views
Pat Gallagher asked 2 years ago

Hey there, trying to build out a directory of vendors that have confirmed their information for an upcoming event. Among that information, they've submitted logos and photos of their work.
When using the shortcodes to build out a view, the photos show up as links instead of displaying the photo on the front end directly.
Is there code or sytax I need to use with the photo field shortcodes in to display them visually?
Thanks in advance.

Bobby Clapp Staff replied 2 years ago

Is the shortcode for an upload field or a URL field?

Pat Gallagher replied 2 years ago

It's an upload field. Was able to get it to work with a single photo by wrapping the shortcode in an img ref tag.

Is there a way to show multiple photos (from one upload field?)

Bobby Clapp Staff replied 2 years ago

With this or a version of this using the "sep" parameter:

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