Is there a way to have a calculated number field show its value with the thousands separated by a ','? I'm taking about in the form itself, I know it is possible to do so in a view or email.
Yeah so it doesn't matter that the field is a "number" field in particular as it is a read-only calculation result field that should display the amount of data in megabytes. I'll try now with currency format, ideally without the currency symbol and decimals
Essentially, what I need is this
but in the form itself
UPDATE: Currency format worked.
So as you type it? Like if I typed in 1000, it would auto convert to 1,000? Probably not a number field.
That's doable with some jQuery magic, but doing so my hurt the database data. Numbers are not evaluated that way typically on the backend. So if you need to do something with this data, it could become a problem.
You can create a second field and make it a calculation and then ask that to be displayed with a thousands separator.
You could try this: This solution uses an external library. JavaScript also has a built-in Intl.NumberFormat that you can use. You can see a working example here: The documentation for the built-in function is here:
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