I need help with how to use formidable forms to create a credit purchasing, credit selling and credit assigning system on my membership site

By: Grace Amaefula | Asked: 05/10/2024
ForumsCategory: How-toI need help with how to use formidable forms to create a credit purchasing, credit selling and credit assigning system on my membership site
Grace AmaefulaGrace Amaefula asked 4 months ago

I have several membership sites on my

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 website. I want to operate a credits assigning system in my memberships site using formidable forms. How can I go about it?
I have level 1 to level 9 membership websites. When levels 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 each request a job to be done, I want them to assign credits to the job. Once a merchant, in level 4 accepts the job, the assigned credits leave the job poster's account to the merchant's account. How do I achieve this with formidable forms? In Order words, I want the following ability:
- Members can purchase credits from us, say, 10,000 credits for $15.
- Members can assign credits to requested jobs, say 5000 for logo design.
-Assigned credits leave customers accounts on submit.
- Assigned credits get added to merchants account when the job is accepted by merchants
- Merchants can sell accumulated credits back to us for cash.
Please help me with step by step how I can achieve this. I will be very grateful.

1 Answers
Victor Font answered 4 months ago
No volunteer is going to provide you with a step-by-step process to create a membership site with Formidable especially when there are so many membership plugins available. You are asking for a comprehensive system design. Creating that level of documentation can take many hours. If you have a budget, you may be able to hire someone to create a Business Requirements Document and System Design but it is an expensive engagement.
Grace AmaefulaGrace Amaefula replied 4 months ago

Hello, thanks so much for your response. I am not requesting how to create a membership site with formidable forms. I already use memberpress membership plugin. I am asking for how to generate points, credits or values with formidable forms and assigning them to users.

Victor Font replied 4 months ago

What you are asking for is to have someone design and teach you how to build functionality that doesn't exist. This is a custom project that may require many hours to develop. No volunteer is going to do this without a project engagement. You need a Business Requirements Document and System Design before any code can be written. I have no idea where you can find someone to help you without engaging them in a project. I wish you the best but this is clearly beyond the scope of what anyone can help you with as an unpaid volunteer.

Grace AmaefulaGrace Amaefula replied 4 months ago

Great. I fully understand you now. At least I now know how to go about it.

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