bulk deleting entries does not work

By: ali adli | Asked: 05/13/2024
ForumsCategory: General questionsbulk deleting entries does not work
ali adli asked 4 months ago
I want to delete entries, and do not want to do it one by one. There is abulk delete option available. But selecting all entries and attempting to delete all fails. I got 404 redirect! For now I have to delete all one by one.
Will J replied 4 months ago

Same here, but I got "Page cannot be found." ?

Rob LeVineRob LeVine replied 4 months ago

fwiw, same here. I've gotten it on several servers over the past week.

3 Answers
Victor Font answered 4 months ago
I tested this in my development environment and it works as it's supposed to. You issue appears to be related to your installation and requires hands-on troubleshooting to assist in a solution. Enable WordPress debug and report any errors you find.
Brent Friar replied 4 months ago

<p>I have the same issue when bulk deleting. The URL I end up at with the 404 error is <a href="https://xxxxxxxxx.com/wp-admin/confirm-bulk-delete&trigger_on_delete_entry_actions=delete&quot; rel="nofollow">https://xxxxxxxxx.com/wp-admin/confirm-bulk-delete&trigger_on_delete_entry_actions=delete</a></p><p>Seems like the URL isn't formated properly.</p>

Kurt Kolb replied 4 months ago

Same issues here, 404 redirect. It happens when DELETE ALL of Bulk Actions - DELETE with 2 or more entries.

Will J answered 4 months ago
I asked Formidable support about this about a week ago and they said: “We are also aware that the delete action does not work correctly when deleting bulk entries; our developers are still working on a fix for this.” FYI  
Rob LeVineRob LeVine answered 3 months ago
Formidable Forms v6.10 - May 29, 2024 Fix: Bulk deleting entries would result in a 404 error because of an invalid redirect introduced in last release.

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