Views: Link Back To List From Detail

By: Michael Clark | Asked: 05/17/2024
ForumsCategory: General questionsViews: Link Back To List From Detail
Michael ClarkMichael Clark asked 4 months ago

Anyway besides javascript:history.back() to link back to the list in a View with Listing and Detail?

  • Setup: A single View with list and detail
  • Same View; not linking to a separate View
  • Use the [detaillink]on a list line item to link to detail
  • Want: Non-js-history method to link back to list view from detail

Seems like a simple thing, and yet no readily available info in the documentation.

2 Answers
Rob LeVineRob LeVine answered 4 months ago
If the list view is on a page, e.g., "", why can't you add an HTML link to that page? I must be missing something.
Michael ClarkMichael Clark replied 4 months ago

Thanks, @Rob LeVine. The View is on a page, and while page names shouldn't change, sometimes, they do. When the View (list and detail) are published with the View shortcode, the [detaillink] is relative to the page. So when it's clicked, you get the /whatever-the-page-is/... Just looking for a away. As usual, overthinking it. javascript:history.back() is completely sufficient.

Rob LeVineRob LeVine replied 4 months ago

I'm not a big fan of history.back() as I've had mixed results with it. I prefer some js to set up the href of the link so that clicking it goes exactly where you want it. I don't want to make it harder for you though.

Bobby Clapp answered 4 months ago

A possible option here ->

Michael ClarkMichael Clark replied 4 months ago

Thanks, @Bobby Clapp. Appreciate the suggestion.

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