Design custom post created by Formidable Forms

By: Henry King | Asked: 07/28/2022
ForumsCategory: How-toDesign custom post created by Formidable Forms
Henry King asked 2 years ago
Hi, I can't easily preview the custom post design created by Formidable Forms ("FF"). Is there a way to better format the custom post because "Customize Content" field by FF cannot really use blocks or design easily?   Thanks. Henry
1 Answers
Victor Font answered 2 years ago

Formidable Forms can create a custom post with blocks. I'm releasing a new application this week where the Create Post add-on applies a condition to create either a Block or Classic post. When you customize post content, you use a view to output the content to create the post or page. If you select "Create new view" as the source of the content, the add-on creates a Classic view, which you then edit as any other view. You can create a Visual View in advance and select that view as the output generator. I'll be releasing a tutorial alongside our new product that teaches how to create block based content with a view. It's not difficult.

Henry King replied 2 years ago

Thanks for reply.
Please let me know where I can find this add-on once it is released.

Victor Font replied 2 years ago

Thank you for your enthusiasm. I'm planning on releasing the W3C Accessibility Statement Generator for Formidable Forms sometime today. We're in the final testing phase, but it is code complete. It is an Application, not an add-on. I misspoke in my original reply when I said it was an add-on. Add-ons and Applications are distinctly different. The cost for this Application is $49 USD.

The tutorial that explains how to create FSE Block output from the Create Post add-on will be released at the same time. Following the tutorial, you can do this yourself.

Jennifer ChurchJennifer Church replied 1 year ago

Is there a video tutorial available for creating a custom post with blocks now? I am really struggling with the options in the Create Post add-on with this specific task. It's not very informative and I think I have duplicated the custom content in both the Classic View and the custom view I created for my posts. I can find no real clear tutorials.

Victor Font replied 1 year ago

I haven't had time to do a tutorial, but using blocks with Formidable is fairly easy, but not in a block builder type of way. What are blocks? Blocks are simply commented HTML snippets. When I build a block page or CPT with Formidable, I first draw the content as I envision it in a standard post or page. Then I view the source to copy and paste it in a CPT or View. Once the HTML is copied over, you can "Formidable-ize" it by adding your field ids or keys as normal.

Victor Font replied 1 year ago

And by the way, doing it the way I do adds more flexibility to the blocks. I can use custom styles and data elements that will cause Gutenberg to cough it out.

Jennifer ChurchJennifer Church replied 1 year ago

That makes sense Victor. Thank you so much for your reply. I will try that method 🙂

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