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I use Active Campaign myself, but first need to understand a few points.
1. "I want contacts inside active campaign to be able to resubmit a pdf application using a form." This suggests that your contacts have previously submitted an application through some mechanism. How did they submit the forms?
2. "I want them to be able to do this without entering their name and email again." Where did they enter their name and email before?
3. "Some of the contacts inside active campaign came through formidable forms but most of them did not." For the ones that came through Formidable, are they registered as WordPress users and was their information sent to Active Campaign through the Active Campaign add-on?
"Can I use URL parameters to fill this out as well?" I'm still clear about what you want filled out, but you can use the [get param = myparam] as the default values for new entries. The shortcode populates the field with query string parameters.