Any success adding javascript to an html field? RE: Webcam Capture and Upload

By: Brent Sherman | Asked: 10/05/2023
ForumsCategory: How-toAny success adding javascript to an html field? RE: Webcam Capture and Upload
Brent ShermanBrent Sherman asked 11 months ago
I'm trying to get webcam activation working at the html field level, and I don't mind sharing the code once this is achieved. I'm trying to avoid building a separate WordPress plugin for this functionality, and I haven't seen any existing WordPress plugins for this (from Formidable Forms or others). Currently, I'm able to use the code I have on a general WordPress page, and it works fine. I just can't get the javascript portion of the html code to work within an html field in Formidable Forms.
1 Answers
Best Answer
Victor Font answered 11 months ago
Add jQuery in the after fields section on the form’s customize HTML page.
Brent ShermanBrent Sherman replied 11 months ago


I added an event listener into the javascript so that it would execute after the html element is available.

Hoping to wrap up the upload functionality from the livewebcam screen capture next week.

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