Want to have a view which can be filtered using a dropdown list containing the entries display name

By: Naomi Spirit | Asked: 11/28/2023
ForumsCategory: How-toWant to have a view which can be filtered using a dropdown list containing the entries display name
Naomi SpiritNaomi Spirit asked 9 months ago

I want to have a way of selecting which items are showing in a view by the entrant's display name.  Im envisioning a drop-down list populated with the display name of the entrants.  But we do expect 2000 entrants so this could be a bit unwieldy.

I guess there is a really simple thing to do but I can't find it anywhere in the documentation or help! would appreciate a steer in the right direction please!

2 Answers
Rob LeVineRob LeVine answered 9 months ago
You can use frm-condition. It may depend on how many scenarios you have as to whether you'll need some custom code as well.
Luis Gerardo Macareno Balderas answered 9 months ago
Also you can create a small form that works as a header that contain Filters, it must be included at the top of your view, and works great to filter any data
Naomi SpiritNaomi Spirit replied 9 months ago

This sounds ideal. A header form which has a drop-down populated with all the users who have submitted entries in a specific form.

Is there any examples anywhere of this kind of thing that you know of?

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