I am experiencing problems with my checkbox where it doesn't show if ticked. The tick is either invisible or appearing somewhere on the page all at one spot.
I have tried googling around but I can' t find any answers. I'm sorry if my question is a bad one, I' m still new to this.
You can find the attached image to understand what I am talking about. The tick is invisible.
Please advise.
Post a link to the page where the issue happens.
There is something wrong with the HTML/CSS that makes up that page. See the attached image. I clicked the "OTHER DOCUMENTS (PLEASE STATE)" checkbox and the checkmark appeared on the "DATE OF CLAIM" input field. On the right you can see the inspection of the code and it thinks that your checkbox starts all the way up there. My guess is you have some bad CSS or HTML on your page.
I'll try and see if I can find any more css class that could be the cause
The problem is in your theme styling. This css definition on line 14,790 of your style.css file is the culprit: input[type="checkbox"]:checked:before. It is overriding Formidable styling by setting an absolute position for the checkbox before pseudo element.
I've commented out the css class you mentioned but the problem is still there.
The theme I am using is WpResidence New York Demo
There's nothing wrong with your form now. Clear your caches. See this: https://vfcgdownloads.s3.amazonaws.com/checkbox-test.mp4
My bad. I didn't clear my cache when I tried it. Thank you so much.
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