Checkboxes inside of a dropdown form

By: John Lyons | Asked: 11/22/2024
ForumsCategory: Code HelpCheckboxes inside of a dropdown form
John Lyons asked 4 months ago

Hello everyone! I am new to developing with Formidable Forms. Is there any way one can make a dropdown with checkboxes? I can easily create a dropdown, or a form with checkboxes, but cannot see any way to do both. Is it even possible with Formidable Forms? If so, please help guide me to do so!

1 Answers
Victor Font Staff answered 4 months ago

That's a non-standard element for sure. I'm not even sure how you would get a browser to recognize a hybrid input that combines checkboxes with a select. I've never heard of it being done. What you may want to consider just just enabling multiselect on the dropdown.

John Lyons replied 4 months ago

Thank you for your help. I tried a lot of things and as exactly as you said, even with HTML, it does not recognize everything.

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