Code HELP | Conditional/Variable IF Codes

By: Tina Marker | Asked: 06/23/2023
ForumsCategory: Code HelpCode HELP | Conditional/Variable IF Codes
Tina Marker asked 2 years ago

 Here is my coding question. I wrote the formula below to calculate up to $150,000:

 ([210] < 150000) ? (.00575 * [210]) :  ([210] > 150000) ? (.00450 * [210]) :  ([210] > 250000) ? (.00350 * [210]) :  ([210] > 500000) ? (.00275 * [210]) :  ([210] > 10000000) ? (.00225 * [210]) : (175)

After the above purchase amount, the required calculations become prorated and more complex. How to write the formula in Formidable to manage all of these variables for purchases above $150k?

Current Premium costs per $1000.00

Up to $150,000 - $5.75 per 1M 

$150,000 to $250,000 add $4.50 per 1M

$250,000 to $500,000 add $3.50 per 1M

$500,000 to $10,000,000 add $2.75 per 1M

Over $10,000,000 add $2.25 per 1M

Minimum premium $175



Excel formula example with different variables as an example to show the process used:

Let's say the purchase price is $425,000 (note: percentages in examples are different than ones needed)

The first $150,000 x 6.61 = 991.50

The next 100,000 x 5.18 = 518.00

Then 175,000 x 4.03 = 705.25

$425,000 = 2214.75 total premium



1 Answers
Rob LeVineRob LeVine Staff answered 2 years ago

I'm not going to jump on this grenade, so I'll just suggest the way I'd handle a complex equation like that. I'd create a custom shortcode, pass in the value as a parameter and do all the math in a clean, concise, and easy-to-read block of PHP code, rather than in a single line.

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