I have these forms that create a post with all the information submitted. The Unique Value option was working fine when the form was only a submission and not creating posts. However, now that the forms have the Action to create posts, the unique value is not preventing duplicate post creation. Is there a way around this situation?
Thanks in advance for any advice.
Formidable doesn't create duplicate posts if things are setup correctly. Formidable stores the post_id in the wp_frm_items table as part of the entry's header. That post_id is locked to that entry unless you decouple it with code. The unique value option has nothing to do with WordPress posts either. Setting a field to unique ensures that the field has a unique value across all of the form's entries. If you have 10,000 entries, that field will have 10,000 unique values. It has nothing to do with posts.
Hi Victor, thanks a lot for the prompt reply.
I understand what you are saying, however for some reason on my form, when I set the action to create a post the Unique Value condition stops disabling the duplicate entry. As a result of this the, second post does have a different title and slug (It adds a -2 at the end) but the entry in the form is getting duplicate. Please refer to the snapshot attached to this comment.
Thanks for taking the time to review this reply :)
Adding -2 at the end makes it a unique value. I'm not following what you're doing or what screen you shared. That looks like a list of form entries, not WordPress posts.
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