Hey all.
New to Formidable and I came here for a very specific reason. We currently use several form builders but none of them do what we are looking for. I have been searching for weeks for an online form that has a built in stopwatch for measuring the time it takes to do certain tasks in our organization. The reason we landed on Formidable is because I came across this post: https://www.fdmdigital.co.uk/formidable-form-timer/
This is EXACTLY what I need but for the life of me, I can not get it to work. It works on their site but I think I am missing something. I have built it out exactly as they have it and it will display correctly, but not function. For you coders out there, what am I missing? I think this was built in 2019 so it's very possible that something inside of Formidable has changed. I am just not familiar enough with the platform to figure out why it will not work. Please let me know what you need from me and I will get it. Thank you in advance!!
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Can you provide a link to your site so that we can see it in action, or failing to act?
I actually just found the problem right after posting this. I was getting a TypeError & Is Not a Function error. I replaced all "$" with "jQuery" and it's working! Google is amazing!!