Passing param in redirect not working with image radio buttons

By: Russell Guilfoile | Asked: 11/27/2022
ForumsCategory: Code HelpPassing param in redirect not working with image radio buttons
Russell Guilfoile asked 2 years ago

I have two forms. Form 1 has a single radio button field (Field ID 1393) utilizing images. Form 1 redirects upon submission to Form 2. Redirect feeds the value from Field ID 1393 in Form 1 to the first question in Form 2 titled "Account Type". using the following generally: https://.../?[if 1393]Account_Type=[1393 sanitize_url=1][/if 1393].
The issue appears to be that the value being passed is the image.

See example of the value passed in last test:  https://.../?  

Here is a brief video to demonstrate the issue:

1 Answers
Best Answer
Bobby Clapp Staff answered 2 years ago

What happens if you change:
Account_Type=[1393 sanitize_url=1]

Account_Type=[1393 sanitize_url=1 show=value]

Russell Guilfoile replied 2 years ago

Thanks for the reply. I just tried your suggestion and it did not work.

See: (49 seconds)

Russell Guilfoile replied 2 years ago

Looked at it again and found and issue with the get param syntax. It works! Thank you.

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