I want to create hidden field on front-end programmatically , when user visit page and found formidable forms in the page.
How do I do this ? Is there any hook available that I can use ?
To create a field programmatically you can issue a SQL insert command on the frm_fields table, however, I'm curious why you want to create a field on the fly, rather than just having a hidden field on the form and putting a value it via a hook. Also what does "found formidable forms in the page" mean? Are you saying they're just navigating to the page or that they've submitted a form?
I am using multiple forms like WPForms , GravityForms and Formidable Form
In some of the post I have WPForms , some have GravityForms and some have Formidable form while some post have only content , no forms
So I want to create dynamic hidden field which have Formidable Form.
I am using multiple forms like WPForms , GravityForms and Formidable Form
In some of the post I have WPForms , some have GravityForms and some have Formidable form while some post have only content , no forms
So I want to create dynamic hidden field which have Formidable Form.
I'd be lying if I said I understand that. If you want to clarify, I'd like to see a complete user scenario where this would be used, e.g., user does A and then B and then...
I'm guessing what you want to do is possible, either via jQuery and PHP or just PHP, but I'm going to hold out hope that it's even easier than that.
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