In my form I have a field for \"website URL\". I want to link to the URL from my view. I can\'t find documentation on how to actually use [x clickable=1].
I created a form with a website/URL field (id=654) and created an entry with a URL. I then created a view based on that form and put [654 clickable="1"] in the content section of the view and the URL displays as clickable. You could always do it manually putting in HTML and you'll need to do that if you want the text of the link to be something other than the link itself. See here for an example of the manual method.
Thanks for your quick reply! I tried the first option and did get the html that was clickable. I then tried the manual method and it just printed the not clickable My Link (with my ID).
Paste a screenshot of what you entered in the view.
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