First, here\'s what I\'m trying to do with this form: There are two drop downs and a go button. User makes a selection on the first dropdown and then a selection on the second dropdown and hits go. This sends the user to whichever page is indicated with conditional logic.
Right now, when they go back to the page with the drop downs, instead of showing the dropdowns, it has the message: "Your responses were successfully submitted. Thank you!\"
Instead, I would like them to have a link to click that we reset the form so that they could make another selection.
How would I do that? Thanks! I included some screenshots.
When you say "go back to the page", how is a user doing that?
The form is on the home page, so I'm thinking the scenario would be the user returns there either by hitting home on the nav or with their back button. There will be a redundant form of navigation, but I'm trying to cover all the bases.
Right now, when I test this, when I go back to the home page, the form says "We’re sorry. It looks like you’ve already submitted that."
You should use this to diagnose the "We're sorry" issue -
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