Hello I'm totally new to formidable forms but trying to learn :) I have a form where I want the ability to choose between a few standard fill forms. The form contains e.g. One Dropdown (with 5 standard fill forms - already fill forms) One Checkbox One Text field One File upload. etc. If you choose one of the 5 standard forms, let say option 1. The rest of the questions on the form must be filled in automatically. Like checkbox - option 2 text field - xxxx xxxx File upload - test.txt If i choose option 2. checkbox - option 4 text field - YYY YYY File upload - Morning.txt is that possible? it is possible to use "Lookup default value" on text fields, but it is not supported on checkbox/file upload/dropdown.
What do you mean when you say you want to select one of five forms? A form is a collection of fields and fields have values.
sorry for my bad english - will try to explain.
I have 2 formulas, with the same 10 fields.
Form 1 - called "standard answer"
form 2 - has an extra field. (dropdown) which is a "look up", that looks in form 1.
Let's say 5 responses have been made in form 1.
So when you click on the dropdown menu, there are 5 options.
If you choose one of these, all fields i formel 2, must be filled in automatically according to the formula you choose from formula1.
I can do it on a text field, since it supports the
"Lookup default value", where I can choose to look in the fields from formula 1.
But this option is not available on Checkbox / Dropdwon / File upload etc.
Does it make sense.?
What is the source of the data used to automatically fill in Form 2 when a dropdown value is selected. It sounds like you may have to use Ajax, but you provided enough details about how Form 2 is populated.
I don't think I understand.?
The source is the answers to formula 1. (Formula 1 contain the same 10 fields as in Formula 2.).
These values must now be copied to formula 2 when you select the answer from formula 1 in the dropdown menu.
I will try to read up on AJAX. Do you happen to have an example of some code that could be used.?
No I do not. In fact having two forms with the exact same fields goes against the "single source of truth" data management principal.
What doesn't make sense is why you have a drop down at all to select a value if you are copying the same values as form A. Nothing you've explained makes sense for a good design.
The reason I have made 2 identical forms is that each customer can make a "the 5 most used answers".
The customer uses these forms for documentation, so the same answers are often the same.
Therefore, you have the option of making 5 most used, so that you don't have to fill in the same question every time. call it a quick access.
Good luck with solving your problem.
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