Several survey forms shares some duplicate questions, and one participant can fill one form multiple times

By: Ooker Human | Asked: 04/23/2022
ForumsCategory: Code HelpSeveral survey forms shares some duplicate questions, and one participant can fill one form multiple times
Ooker Human asked 3 years ago

I have several survey forms, and they shares some duplicate questions. Moreover, one participant can fill the form multiple times. Is there a tool or tool combination to achieve as many of these bullets as possible?

  • Answers of different forms of one participant are aggregate into one place
  • Each participant doesn't have to answer the same questions in different forms (if a participant has already answer those questions in form A, then they won't be shown in form B, or already has the answer)
  • Whenever a participant redoes a same form, then I can track the changes in their answers
1 Answers
Victor Font Staff answered 3 years ago

You can certainly populate information across forms using the frm-field-value shortcode as the default value for Forms B and C, but there are stipulations to make this work properly.
First, the user needs to be logged in to the site so the user id is associated with each entry,
Second, there can only be one entry per user per survey form. The format used with this shortcode is [frm-field-value field_id=x user_id=current]
If you have more that one entry per user per form, this shortcode will retrieve the first entry's value.
It would work best if everyone fills out the same form A first. This form can be used to to populate the others default values.
The default values will only work for new entries.
If any of the forms are edited, then you have to update the other forms with custom PHP fired in the [frm_after_update_entry]( action.

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