Using Custom CSS in the Settings area

By: A M | Asked: 07/13/2024
ForumsCategory: Code HelpUsing Custom CSS in the Settings area
A M asked 8 months ago

I need some help compensating for the limitations in Formidable Forms' styling functionality. I think if you can give me the following syntax, it would go a long way toward me figuring out how to solve additional needs.
What is the full CSS code I need to put into the Custom CSS area in order to target field 68 within form 6 and align the text to the right?

3 Answers
A M answered 8 months ago

And do you target, within a particular form and a particular field, the following components: (1) the label, (2) the before element, (3) the after element, (4) the placeholder text, and (5) the user input?

Bobby Clapp Staff answered 8 months ago

You'll have to be familiar with CSS and use your web browsers developer console to figure out the right element to call to make the change. That is something you'll have to do on your own or hire help for.

A M answered 8 months ago

Hi, Bobby,
Thanks for addressing my question.
I'm on a budget, That's why I had to get through development entirely on my own. I'm 99% done, and I just need a little help styling some things Formidable doesn't make it very easy to do, for some reason.
Would you take mercy on me and give me the syntax to target these things?

Victor Font Staff replied 8 months ago

Nobody can give you CSS for your site because it is specific to your site. We would have to look at your CSS in the browser inspection tool to help with syntax. In other words, we would need access to your site to do what you can do for yourself quite easily. There are many examples on the web for centering content in a field. Google and learn how to use the tools you already have in your hands. We can't help you with this.

A M replied 8 months ago

If we simply let "X" be a stand-in for the form number, and "Y" be a stand-in for the field number, could you provide the syntax then?

Victor Font Staff replied 8 months ago

No because the form # is irrelevant if we can’t see the CSS.

Victor Font Staff replied 8 months ago

You must use your browser’s inspection tool because the CSS is specific to your site.

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