Hello, I need your help I have integrated this code into my site so that I can update an entry in Form A in a field in Form B
add_action(\\\\\\\'frm_after_create_entry\\\\\\\', \\\\\\\'link_fields\\\\\\\', 30, 2);
add_action(\\\\\\\'frm_after_update_entry\\\\\\\', \\\\\\\'link_fields\\\\\\\', 10, 2);
function link_fields($entry_id, $form_id){
if($form_id == 12){ // Change 10 to the ID of Form A
global $wpdb;
$first_field = $_POST[\\\\\\\'item_meta\\\\\\\'][116]; // Change 71 to the ID of the field in Form A
$user = $wpdb->get_var($wpdb->prepare(\\\\\\\"SELECT user_id FROM \\\\\\\". $wpdb->prefix .\\\\\\\"frm_items WHERE id=%d\\\\\\\", $entry_id));
// Récupérer l\\\\\\\'ID d\\\\\\\'une entrée spécifique de Form B à mettre à jour
$entry_ids = $wpdb->get_col($wpdb->prepare(\\\\\\\"SELECT id FROM \\\\\\\". $wpdb->prefix .\\\\\\\"frm_items WHERE form_id=%d AND user_id=%d\\\\\\\", 11, $user)); // Change 9 to the ID of Form B
// Exemple de mise à jour d\\\\\\\'une entrée spécifique, par exemple, la dernière entrée créée
if (!empty($entry_ids)) {
$specific_entry_id = end($entry_ids); // Récupérer l\\\\\\\'ID de la dernière entrée créée
$updated = $wpdb->update($wpdb->prefix .\\\\\\\'frm_item_metas\\\\\\\',
array(\\\\\\\'meta_value\\\\\\\' => $first_field),
array(\\\\\\\'item_id\\\\\\\' => $specific_entry_id, \\\\\\\'field_id\\\\\\\' => 105) // Change 67 to the ID of the field to be updated
if ($updated) {
error_log(\\\\\\\'Successfully updated entry ID: \\\\\\\' . $specific_entry_id);
} else {
error_log(\\\\\\\'Failed to update entry ID: \\\\\\\' . $specific_entry_id);
it\\\\\\\'s ok it is functional but my cproblem is that when a User (Client) fills Form A another user (example: Admin) fills Form B in this case the code will not be functional that is to say the field in Form A will not be updated.
I need your help to improve the code so that a User A fills a FORM A the field concerned in FORM B filled by a USER B will be updated.
First, the code is unreadable and in the title you ask about frm_api_response, yet there's nothing in your post about that hook. Please use pastebin or gist to post your code and please rephrase your question so we can understand what you are actually asking since it has nothing to do with frmapi_post_response.
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