Can I automatically delete the previous entry from a User ID of a form, after a new entry in that form is sent by the User ID?

By: Harm van den Elzen | Asked: 08/31/2023
ForumsCategory: Code SnippetsCan I automatically delete the previous entry from a User ID of a form, after a new entry in that form is sent by the User ID?
Harm van den ElzenHarm van den Elzen asked 1 year ago
Hi there, Can I automatically delete the previous entry from a User ID of a form, after a new entry in that form is sent by the User ID? I came across the list of codes below, but not sure if there is a suitable code for the above.
1 Answers
Victor Font answered 1 year ago
You can, but you have to know the entry id of the entry you want to delete. See this example in the KowledgeBase starting at line 47.
Harm van den ElzenHarm van den Elzen replied 1 year ago

Thank you for your reply Victor 🙂

Do you know what the code should look like?

Victor Font replied 1 year ago

The referenced code in the article shows you what the code looks like.

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