I am trying to change the size of the radio images. Formidable forms already provides the option to choose between several sizes, but I need a smaller size than the smallest one that they offer.
Thank you very much in advance.
One way to do it (and I'm sure there are many) is to override the CSS by adding the following in your Before Fields section of the form. You can use something like the following, adjusting the numbers to meet your needs.
.with_frm_style, .frm_forms { --image-size: 100px !important; } .frm_image_option_container img { width: 100px !important; height: 50px !important; }
Thanks for the quick answer, rolevine,
I am afraid I am quite new in this environment. I went to Settings -> Customize HTML -> Before Fields.
Then I pasted the code at the end of the field. But it does not work (I send a screenshot). What am I doing wrong?
Thank you very much again
Best wishes
Unfortunately, code pasting in these forums leaves a lot to be desired. The code above has to be wrapped inside a style tag https://www.w3schools.com/tags/tag_style.asp
It worked, Rob, thank you so much!
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