I'm trying to create PDF-s based on a form submission data in the frm_success_filter, then instead of the standard confirmation message i send back to link to the created PDF.
My main problem is, that i'm not sure how can i get the created entry's ID (this should be also shown on the PDF), since frm_success_filter only gets the $type and $form variables, and these don't contain this information.
Currently I'm using
global $frm_vars;
$entry_id = $frm_vars['created_entries']["1"]["entry_id"];
where 1 is the ID of the Form, but i'm not sure if this can be safely used, because if multiple submissions are created the same time for this form, the ID might be overwritten.
Is there a safe way to do this, or maybe i should use another filter to do this?
Thank you!