error handling

By: Roger Weiss | Asked: 04/21/2022
ForumsCategory: Code Snippetserror handling
Roger WeissRoger Weiss asked 3 years ago


I'm using a php code snippet to process the data and update the database. But, if I find an error in the data, I want to exit the code, display an error msg and NOT complete the form processing. i.e. not send the emails that get sent upon completion of the transaction.

How would I exit the snippet and signal Formidable that it should stop processing?



2 Answers
Victor Font Staff answered 3 years ago

Formidable has validation hooks you could use. They are design to address the very problem you're trying to solve. See these pages: and

Roger WeissRoger Weiss answered 3 years ago

Thank you.

Yes,I knew about this, and was thinking of handling the error process a different way.

But, the lightbulb went off and doing it this way is way easier, so thanks for the inspiration.


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