I have an existing Form and have added a repeater.
Some Firlds which are part of the master form should be moved into the repeater area.
To give you an understanding:
The Form has fields which are general descriptions.
These desription shall be displayed in different languages.
The repearter keeps the different Languages.
The first original language field (4 RTF fields ) shoud be moved into the repeater.
In the API documentaion is one example which handle the copying from one form to another.
In my situation i have to copy fro inside the master form into the repeater.
My question: how to setup the POST/PATCH REST command to copy the field?
Any hint is aprreciated (formID of the repeater is known).
WP Version: 5.9.2
Formidable Version: 5.5.6
Customer Status: elite
roland.wiedemeyer@rw-cct.deHow can we help?: I need help with an add-on
Select a Category: Formidable API
Select a sub-category: Other
Have you checked the available categories and subcategories and have selected the most applicable category?: Yes, and I have visited the linked documentation pages.
What category do you feel BEST fits your question?: How to handle Repeater with REST
Add-on Version: 1.13
User ID: Roland Wiedemeyer gmbh
User agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
IP Address: 2003:f2:bf17:ce5c:65dc:2714:e641:b9f7
User-Agent (Browser/OS): Google Chrome / Windows
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