Has any body use that code ??? Calculate final date

By: Nicolas Stergio | Asked: 03/10/2023
ForumsCategory: Code SnippetsHas any body use that code ??? Calculate final date
Nicolas Stergio asked 2 years ago

It is on this page
i have done all the changes but it is not working for me
that is my code All field ids are correct. check it 3 times
<script type="text/javascript">
$('#field_siq5u, #field_1jta1').change(function(){

var addDays = $("#field_siq5u").val();
var dateOneString = $("#field_1jta1").val();
if ( addDays === '' || dateOneString === '' ) {
var finalDate = $("#field_1jta1").datepicker( 'getDate' );
finalDate.setDate(finalDate.getDate() + parseInt( addDays ) );
$("#field_yeatz").datepicker("setDate", finalDate);

Victor Font Staff replied 2 years ago

What's not working? It's impossible to say from your code. Have you confirmed through step debugging that both the addDays AND dateOneString have values? If either one has an absence of value, you'll hit the return and nothing will happen. You may want to try the Kint debugger available in the WordPress plugin repository to help you with step debugging to make sure every one of the lines is returning a correct value.

Nicolas Stergio replied 2 years ago

Thanks i also agree that is correct. i will use the debugger thanks a lot.

Nicolas Stergio replied 2 years ago

the are some problems in console but the are all from formidable forms

1 Answers
Nicolas Stergio answered 2 years ago

another question
that code suppose after we hit enter???

Victor Font Staff replied 2 years ago

jQuery code executes in the browser. You do not have to hit enter. What are the errors you're seeing in the console?

Nicolas Stergio replied 2 years ago

Thanks a lot i make it work

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