Viewing multiple download links in view

By: Brian Bukowski | Asked: 03/29/2023
ForumsCategory: Code SnippetsViewing multiple download links in view
Brian Bukowski asked 2 years ago

Hi I am working on building a view of submitted content for staff use. Our forms have multiple file uploads with multiple files uploaded in each upload field. I am wanting to show clickable links to each file for individual download, but so far nothing is working.

I have tried the following from

Which doesn't display anything (the files are DOCX and PDF, not images) and

With a multiple number selected, but only shows the full URL, which is very long, and not clickable.

Ideally, it would look something like this:

Field description: link link link

Vs what we have now:

Field description: https://longurl/longurl https://longurl/longurl https://longurl/longurl https://longurl/longurl 

Thanks for any pointers in the right direction.


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Bobby Clapp Staff replied 2 years ago

What are your view settings that produce "vs what we have now"? Can you create a loom and walk us through it?

1 Answers
Andreas panagiotopoulos answered 10 months ago

Did you find a solution? I meet the same problem and support team is unlikely me.

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